Sunday, May 17, 2015

Get the list of books that John Vornle shared with his colleagues

A message to educators...

John Vornle came up with a remarkable concept.  ...  create a list of books and share it.  It will be a "Mindset" that he can compare to others.  If people have read the same books, they can at least start talking with greater depth than simply lecturing at each other about ideas that only one side has examined.

Vornle made a big effort.   I wonder if the educators who read this post can add to his work or create a parallel list of books for education.   At the very least, we would highlight for each other some books that have influenced each of us and we might grow stronger in our alliances with each other.   

I move forward with the understanding that I at least knew something about Vygotsky (which I came closer to understanding and using because of Mario Llorente).

  1. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us: Daniel ..., Inc.
    Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us [Daniel H. Pink] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The New York Times bestseller that ...

I mentioned to Matt Blazek one time that I was impressed with Dan Pink's DRIVE which claims that motivation is supported by "Mastery,  Purpose and Autonomy" and you, Matt, replied, "Oh, that's xxxxx and that concept has been around since the 1980s"  (something like that).   A concept that I learned from Dan Pink was already in your head.

We can each add our list to the John Vornle Library and make it a list of summaries about education.   The blogpost can be added to in two ways...  (a) send me the item and I'll insert it in the blog post.   or (b) make a comment at the bottom of the blog and I can eventually add the comment into the blogpost.   

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As Zig Ziglar says "You can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want."
============   John vornle came up with a remarkable idea.... simple, too.   (a) make a list of books that "matter" and (b) share the list with friends and future colleagues.   He called it "Compare Mindsets" and "Mindset Compare."      Have fun looking at the list and send me your suggestions for books to add to the list.  I'm working with some teachers to create an "education section" to Vornle's list.   The challenge by Vornle is "Tell me about an important idea that you learned and share with me something about the book or magazine where you got the idea."   You can find this list at    ... the Library blog is at 

"Tell me about an important idea that you learned and share with me something about the book or magazine where you got the idea."   You can find this list at    ... the Library blog is at